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Hanscombe End Road
Hertfordshire SG5 3HL
Tel: 01462 711064
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Happy Holidays at Cats Country Club 
The Cattery from the Garden, family run on the right
Privacy Policy

    Cats County Club is committed to protecting your privacy and takes its responsibilities regarding the security of customer information very seriously. This policy explains how we use customer information and how we protect your privacy.

    1. Use of Customer Information

    Information required to process your booking

    We require certain information to allow us to process your booking. This includes, for example, your name, address, telephone number(s), email address, cat(s) name(s), their diet and your chosen veterinary practice.

    This information allows us to process your booking and to contact you in relation to your booking by a number of methods. We ask for several contact methods so that we can contact you urgently should we require to, or if there is some clarification required in relation to your booking.

    We may use and analyse the information that we collect so that we can administer, support, improve the services we offer.

    The information that you provide is also underpinned as a requirement from the local licensing authority, who also require customer records to be kept. The use of such data falls within GDPR 25th May 2018 regulations and is only used for the express purpose of which the initial customer contact was made to us.

    The information that you provide to us will be held in our systems, which are located on our premises. Third parties have no access to your information.

    Cats Country Club email service

    Currently there's no regular emailing, however we may periodically give advance notice of promotional offers, so that you can be amongst the first to pick up limited special deals and perhaps other cattery services which we offer and which may be of interest to you. You can opt out of receiving regular emails from us at any time by simply contacting us and asking to be removed from the mailing list.

    Web based Booking Checker service

    The Online Booking Checker system allows CCC customers to view the booking dates/times that have been agreed both in and out of the cattery, so there will hopefully be no surprises for pick-ups and drop-offs all round. It is a 'protected' service - not open to the general public - access to these pages will be provided only to CCC customers via a shared userid/password entry, we will disseminate this shared userid/password via email. No sensitive information will be made available via this service - only the cat(s) name(s), the first character of the owner's surname and the pick-up/drop-off times will be shown.
    Customers whose email address is held by us will be notified of the userid/password via email and also for any subsequent periodic changes. If we don't hold a valid email address for you, you will not be able to receive this information or any of the periodic password changes in this way.


    Very occasionally we ask you to email us with, or we may contact you to obtain feedback or your opinion on a particular subject/service we are offering or are thinking of offering. We may publish your feedback on our web site, however, if you advise us that you do not wish to have your feedback and name published, we will not do so.


    We do ask for testimonials in our follow-up emails, at the end of bookings and we may edit for house style and publish those that we do receive, that are not entered directly onto our Facebook page, as a Facebook review. The existing format and use of customer data and formatting can be seen on our Testimonials page. If, however, you advise us that you do not wish to have your name and hometown published, we will not do so.

    Cats Country Club Cat Picture Gallery and Social Networks

    When conditions are appropriate, i.e. the cattery is not too busy and the cats in residence are settled and not distressed by so doing, we may, during routine handling, take a photograph(s) or short video of your cat(s) and publish it to our Facebook Page, please click here. The cat(s) name(s) maybe included as part of this, no personal information is however published. If your cat does not appear in our pictures/video clips, it merely means we were either too busy, your cat was too nervous/lively to give a positive photograph/video clip, or would, in our estimation, be unnecessarily stressed to achieve that aim, or any combination of all of those elements! Typically we also only do this over longer stays, as it can often take a while for cats to settle down. Lastly, we do not email pictures to individual email addresses, due to not only potential issues with customers ISP's email SPAM/JUNK filtering, but also filesizes in the case of video clips - it can then end up being a major logistical exercise to get to the bottom of why an attached picture/video clip hasn't arrived with a given customers email address!

    2. Site tracking

    We use tracking software to monitor customer traffic patterns and site usage to help us develop the design and layout of the site to better meet the needs of visitors to This software does not enable us to capture any personally identifying information at all.

    3. Security to protect your information and data retention

    As required by the UK Data Protection Acts of 1984 and 1998, we follow strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of information which you have given us, to prevent unauthorised access. Our security procedures mean that we will need to be clear of your identity before we are able to disclose any information to you.

    We will retain your information for a reasonable period or as long as the law requires.

    4. Cookies

    Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. Cats Country Club do not use tracking cookies whilst you are browsing, CCC website functionality is maintained whatever your browser settings are for cookies. Generally however, cookies can be deleted from your hard drive if you so wish. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change your browser settings to prevent that.
    Cookies are not used in any of our email messages.

    5. Use of pixels

    We don't use pixels in emails in order to understand who has opened the message.

    6. Disclosure to third parties

    Cats Country Club does not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others. We never and would never disclose information about a customer to any other person or organisation without your consent unless there is an emergency situation that requires it or we are legally required to do so.

    7. Your consent

    In using the Cats Country Club web site, you consent to the collection and use of this information by Cats Country Club in the ways described above.
    If you have any further questions about our Privacy Policy or its implementation, please contact us and speak to the proprietors directly.

    Please note that if you click on a link on our website or in an email that takes you to another site – for example the site of someone advertising on our website, you will need to read their privacy policy in order to understand whether and how they process data about your visit to their site.

    If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and in what circumstances we disclose it.